I've never had a regular commission on the Muslotje.
*All copyrights to the work belong to the creator himself!
We accept requests in open chat rooms.
If you come to Kakao Talk, we'll send you the application form!
The price is 10,000 won! 10,000 won!
It's a type A, and it's a posture that holds the paper. It's like a round and cute picture.
The name of the character and the photo attachment (screen shot, selfie, etc.) are absolutely necessary. Please tell us the mood or color you want.
The background can be primary or patterned (watermelon, ice cream, etc.).
If you don't ask for a separate size, it's built by default as 609 * 1000 300 dpi.
[Cannot exceed 1000 pixels]
Work after deposit and complete within 7 days of deposit
All pictures will be given as PNG files.
After the painting is completed, my nickname is transparent in the corner of the work. (Sample Note)
Recommended: Girls, Women, Smile
List of impossible: concourse, genre of political and social controversy, complex jewelry, Gore, muscle, old man, mecca, etc.
*You may refuse anything you can't draw with your own ability.
The copyright of the commission work is given to 'Dang Kong'.
Contact us for tracking, stealing, retouching, secondary creation and commercial use.
The request picture is used as a sample, but if you don't want it, you'll get an additional 3,000 won.
Refunds will only be refunded by 30% (not refundable in full)
See Original

Profile Image mine

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